Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal 2 - NETS-T 3,4,5

Join ISTE, read a journal article from Learning & Leading with Technology, reflect upon the article, and use proper APA citation using Citation Machine

Bull, G, Alexander, C, & Fester, B. (2010, February). Finding students who learn with media. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from

Finding Students Who Learn With Media

The article in mention is an examination of current web-based technologies that allows students to author their own short videos, and produce picture presentations with captioning and voiced audio clips in such a way that is in agreement with the curriculum. One huge advantage of this technology is that it allows students to view primary source information which was next to impossible less than a decade ago. Now kids can see a lot of information that their text books are based on making the information more genuine, original and relevant. This is in addition to the pedagogical value of having students work in more novel modes of learning that will aid in retention. As technology gets better, the downsides seem to be decreasing with a current rate of approximately 85% of students being engaged in the activities.

Are students losing time struggling with the software?

I felt that is was highly relevant that the article brought up the fact that with many of these types of programs, a lot of valuable class time (as much as three periods) needs to be devoted to learning the software and completing the assignment. With, students spend less time learning how to simply get their ideas into the presentation but can focus on the specific curriculum material of which they are there to learn.

What if students are intimidated by using these types of programs?

In some instances might be overwhelmed with this type of assignment for whatever reason; maybe they don’t have much experience with computers. In this case we can imagine the teacher offering to help while placing less importance on the technical aspect and more value on substance.

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